The Toblater Story

A journal of 6 food loving, sweet-toothed lasses persevering the never ending quandary against the utterly fattening Malaysian delicacies. Under the guidance of 2 trainers with opposing modus operandi, these lasses contend for “The Biggest Looser” title over the next 6 months. Follow their compelling tales of forced diets, loathed workouts, amusing treacheries, inspirational insights, infectious gossips and all things related/unrelated to this trivial tussle of feminine, yet feisty vixens

March 16, 2010


Forgive me for I know this is a little overdue :)

So if you're reading this now, you already know what this blog and what the toblater's TBL is all about. Six lovely ladies, with the support of two iron women gunning for the title of the Biggest Loser over six months (or seven, was it?)

Every month between the inception to the finale saw a weigh-in session, and I saw the girls go to the extent of starving themselves for the critical few hours before stepping on the scale! Having known all of you for over ten years, I can't believe that you girls actually got yourselves into and through this, and for that alone, I reckon everybody deserves much kudos :D

And so... six (or seven months) passed and it all came down to the finale in Bali. The final weigh-in took place a few days before we left for the 5-days trip. Unfortunately, Meah, who was in Miri was unable to participate. 

Also unfortunately, everyone was occupied with it being the final weigh-in that no one took photos of the monumental moments, heh heh. I was the only one who knew the results of the final weigh-in, and of course, the winner!

The finale was held on our third night in Bali, at the Villa we stayed in Kerobokan. AJK Makanan (that's me, Meah, Esah, Senah & Kiah) cooked our own dinner of spaghetti, grilled chicken and baked potatoes, with creme caramel for desserts. The food was yummy (of course)! Everyone was all dolled up and dressed in pareo for the dinner, tucking in and abandoning all caution now that the results were final already :P

After dinner, we adjourned to the living room and started with the results announcement (Gayah, you were missed, mwah mwah!). Senah and Kiah kindly prepared Powerpoint slides before dinner, so all I had to do was announce the results. They did such great work so I'll let the slides tell the story:

*drumroll please*


Odah came up tops at the last weigh-in yo!

Everybody went silent when the last slide was shown. Hahahaha. So how about it, girls? Round 2???

Congratulations, girls & thanks for letting me sebok2. Enjoy the restriction-less diet now :)

March 15, 2010

Kute, sebut betul-betul!

I had 5-days of fun. Ngapain pantas banget, sih?

Emangnya liburan sama temen di Bali kayak 'crajee shit' gitu. Kamu tunggu aja entry(ies) berikutnya.

LBNL, from Kute, with lop...

March 14, 2010

Blogging from Bali

We've been talking about it for ages....and it is now coming to an end : (

It is now the start of our 4th day in Bali and our trip here so far has been beyond our wildest imagination - being chat up by the Custom officers, performing in front of a wild crowd, kissed by a MI, swimming under the moonlight and cooking 4-course meal in the villa are among the things that we have experienced so far. Temah, Enon, Meah and Odah will be surfing with the MS in a few hours time and later we will all be going to meet the monkeys at Uluwatu and have seafood dinner by the beach at Jimbaran. Hopefully all will go well as planned.

In the mean time, we are all resting at our superb 3-bedroom villa after too-much-fun-time at our very own private swimming pool - Heaven!!!

Will share more in the next blog entry :D

p/s: here are some photos of the huge bathroom and bedroom (the same in each room).

March 10, 2010

00 days

So, there you have it.

The countdown timer has been doing its job diligently. In less than 24hours, on foreign soil is where we shall all be.

To the Toblaterians, good luck for the results! May the 7 months of hardwork finally pays off! To Gayah, we know your spirit will be partying with us in Bali (so don't feel too bad) and your physical being will be supporting us from 1990 kilometres away (by constantly checking the blog for updates) ;p.

Good luck to Mess too, who is on judging duty & safeguarding the results til the Finale night.

And to all our fans at home (& those at work) watchout for our updates/ live blogging from Bali yaawwwwww!

March 8, 2010

Final Weigh-in!

To those of you who are not aware.... this would be our final week before the BIG FINALE in Bali. The girls (sans moi) will be leaving for Denpasar in 2 days!! Woohoooo!

So we had our Final Weigh-in last Sunday. This time, Mess was around as the independent judge. She would also be responsible for announcing the winner at the FINALE. Our very own Sarimah. :) Do tune in for her entry on BIG FINALE Night too, as she has graciously agreed to become our guest blogger for blow-by-blow account of what happened on that night.

Back to what happened on Sunday. Senah & Meah couldn't join us due to headache and work commitments in Miri. So it was just Enon & I for team 2 against all Team 1. (Irrelevant info to be shared with Meah & Senah: Kiasu Odah had to change into another supposedly light-weight pants, courtesy of Temah. Pffftttt!). Suffice to say, everything went in a flash. We were driven by our growling tumtums! It didn't take us long to decide, so off to Tropicana we go!

It's San Fran Steakhouse for lunch. Both trainers were not around so there were no holding back! :D

First pic: Hungry *stares into space*
Second pic: Oooohhh, camera. *Camwhore mode*

Fish & Chips/Mac & Cheese/Hamburgers/Mashed potatoes/Baked chicken????? (And we were supposed to 'celebrate' the last weigh-in by not ordering healthy. Look at the portion too!). Not in pic is Mess' Chicken pasta which was quite yumms.

Hah. Kiah must be so proud.

We then adjourned to Starbucks. It was bitter sweet. One of our last Starbucks sessions with 30% off. Sobs!

Now look at that! You'll be missed. Coffee will never taste as good.

Enon insisted we switched to comfy chairs. Kiasu (again) Odah squeezed herself next to Esah who reluctantly but willingly gave up her comfy armchair just to save herself.

Mess and Enon happy to secure comfy armchair each!

Esah showed the girls some choreography for the FINALE. Hahahhaha. It was awesome! Check out the video here. Don't forget to practice yo! If he can do it so can you!

The real reason we switched seat was to stalk him and her. NOT! But it was fun playing paparazzi. Check out my mad skills yo! Too bad my cam can't zoom far enough.

Check out Odah wanting to be in the picture as well.

To the Toblaters:
I can't wait to find out the results. Do make full use of Mess' spanking new Netbook and post up live updates whenever possible while you guys are there. Will wait patiently (!) back here in KL. Have fun!


March 7, 2010

Adios Meah! ....and Mucho Gracias for the birthday dinner!


Our lovely Meah works with Shell Malaysia

She was based in KL since she first joined the company until 3 weeks ago, when she left us for Miri.
We have mixed feelings regarding her transfer. Sad and happy.
Sad because we’re not gonna be able to see her as frequent as before.
And of course happy, because she is progressing in her career. Embarking on a new life (surrounded by Mat Sallehs) n making lotsa money!

You are sorely missed my darling!
Can’t wait for us to be reunited di B.A.L.I in few days time.

*On the last weekend before she left, we had a farewell dinner at Ole-Ole Bali @ Solaris Mont Kiara.


Mucho Gracias for the birthday dinner!

We had some hearty Mexican dinner at Las Carretas Damansara.

Myself n Esah enjoyed ourselves during the dinner organized by our friends ( the bello bello senoritas) to celebrate our birthdays.

It was fun. We laughed n sang. And ate. And ate.

We loved everything about the dinner except for him. His name is Christiano, a crew there.

Ha ha. The End. Adios Amigos!

March 2, 2010

Island in the sun

  • We (Enon, sis & i) went to Tioman for our Advanced Open Water Diving course last weekend
  • Super tiring as we had to complete the knowledge review and dives within 1 1/2 day!
  • The worst part : Sea sick, and wek wek everytime on board. Oh and my buoyancy still sucks
  • The best part : We saw dolphins on our way to Chebeh!*grins*, mandi manda at air terjun + the Passion fruit plucking and makan2 in Kluang..Burrpppp

**Gossip Panaszz: A MS girlfriend/fiance was jealous with Enon, cos the boyfriend/fiance borak2 with her. hihi

Pics : @the jetty + Pemetik buah pitaya (also known as dragon fruit) / passion fruit sambilan

Coming Soon : Hawtttt bikini / swim suit pictures.................................errrr, NOT!