The Toblater Story

A journal of 6 food loving, sweet-toothed lasses persevering the never ending quandary against the utterly fattening Malaysian delicacies. Under the guidance of 2 trainers with opposing modus operandi, these lasses contend for “The Biggest Looser” title over the next 6 months. Follow their compelling tales of forced diets, loathed workouts, amusing treacheries, inspirational insights, infectious gossips and all things related/unrelated to this trivial tussle of feminine, yet feisty vixens

April 19, 2010

It's S.P.O.S.A, baby!

Image credits to RI's blog

Mess & Nai, you guessed it right! We were at Rizalman's SPOSA! Little did I know that Sposa means 'bride' in Italian. If I googled it right-lah. Unless it means something else ... hmmm tuh lah. Haritu tak nak tanya Rizalman, malu-malu kucing pulak ... . (Frankly, I think I was a wee bit starstruck... he he he. )

Kiah emailed her gorgonzilla bridesmaids, asking whether we want to tag along for her first fitting. My immediate reaction was HELL YEAH KIAH! COUNT ME IN! It's Rizalman we are talking about here. Siapa tak nak ikuttt??? (Ehh no lahh Kiah, of course I went because of you. Rizalman who?)

So how was it I hear you say?

You mean the maestro or the dress? :)

I was expecting him to be snotty and mr. high & mighty, but boy I was wrong, 'cause he was verrry nice and friendly.

A whole lot nicer than SB I tell you! Ehhhh, by the way, kenapa dia re-brand his label aaah?? He's not doing so welll issit?? Dah tutup kedai dekat Damas kan?? Hahaha. I sound very the kepochi kan? But all I gotta say to him is, what goes around comes around. Lain kali treat people nicely. Even the not so glamour & kaya ones...hhhmmphh! (Although my baju turned out nice, but that doesn't count!)

Eh. I'm digressing. Sorry.

Ok. Back to Kiah's baju. Of coursela cantik!!! Gorgonzilla Bridesmaids approved. Senah, you would think so too I'm sure if you were there. But of course I can't post a clear picture of her dresses...or else it won't be a sooprisee. The rest of you peeps will just have to wait for the wedding. To you Toblaters, I can show you guys pictures during our meet-ups. Yang SX18 and PG13 pictures also got!! We'll never look at Kiah the same way again...

Taking off a few inches here and there to make it smaller. NO MORE DIETING KIAH! You need some flesh to fill up the 'you-know-whats'!

That very nice auntie refused to snap pictures with us. 'No, no. Not nice' - referring to her mop of hair.

Tengok siapa yang pose lebih ni? (Odah sebenarnya lega sebab tak suruh tailor amoi dia buat baju macam Sandra Bullock - which she initially wanted to! Kalau tak memanglah lawan toke bridesmaid sorang nihh.)

This is how you take off your dress at Rizalman apparently... :D

Dress No 2. Malas nak crop2 dah gambar ni. Auntie Rambut Kembang snap senget.

Believe it or not all pictures below were snapped AFTER we said our goodbyes and Odah & I were already well seated in the car. HAHAHA. Dah masuk kereta siap keluar balik sebab we realised that we DID NOT HAVE OUR PHOTOS TAKEN WITH 'THE RIZALMAN'. *Slaps forehead*. And how kind of him to entertain our crazy antics. I told you he was nice didn't I? (And psstt, he has nice skin too! Should've asked his beauty secrets. ;p)

This is not the most flattering shot of me but I just have to post it cause everyone look so happy. They were laughing so hard about something. Just look at Temah, Kiah & Rizalman!

Kenapalah si Kiah ni??

Kiah was trying to be very creative, suruh pose macam mana ntah, tapi it ended up like this. HAHA. Boring je.

The last farewell picture. SWEET je Rizalman senyum. Look at us! Grinning like a Chesire Cat! Thank you Kiah dahhlink for letting us tag along.

That was it, nice to meet you Rizalman. Till we meet again - hoping fervently that I would shake up a lil' and relax in future instead of being the awkward creepy girl who just smile too much. Ha ha. Shameful I know.