The Toblater Story

A journal of 6 food loving, sweet-toothed lasses persevering the never ending quandary against the utterly fattening Malaysian delicacies. Under the guidance of 2 trainers with opposing modus operandi, these lasses contend for “The Biggest Looser” title over the next 6 months. Follow their compelling tales of forced diets, loathed workouts, amusing treacheries, inspirational insights, infectious gossips and all things related/unrelated to this trivial tussle of feminine, yet feisty vixens

April 3, 2011

3 girls and lotsa seafood!! Only in KK - Day 1

Hm..where shall I start..

I've wanted to be a blogger tegar ( where you blog non stop and everytime) hence I think..I need a new camera that shot pretty pics. But too bad..I have a penyakit we called " gadget challenge" so I cannot bergaya with all the big camera aka Connie size. So what I did, I texted Enon..and she advised me to buy S95. Thanks Enon!! I am in love with it :) It somehow makes me look like a pro when shooting pics..ahaha...

*(but dont count on me to materialize my blogger tegar angan2..nak tulis 1 entry pun took me 1 hour ok..)

So, I decided..where else to try it out better than the trio trip to KK. It was sooo good!! The food is over the top..and you know what we enjoyed the most?!'ll see later.

Enjoy the pics!!

Day 1, while waiting for duo from KL to arrive at KK Airport

Our lunch (seafood No 1) - we ate this special shell ala escargot ( what was the name again Esah & Mess Aziz?)

This is the starter..(RM2 per pinggan..kinda mahal..sungguh mengade the kedai) Kalau aku tahu...bawak kacang sendiri ok.

This is the shell we ate..not sure the full name. Esah & Mess Aziz might remember

what we actually ate..

Our lunch for Day 1 :)

Then off to Green Connection. it is an aquarium of eco-treasure of Sabah. More info go this website ->

Jack Sparrow waiting for us at the entrance :)

The KL duo trying to check out what's inside the murky water aquarium..


Turtle mating ( not sure successful or not, they keep on rolling, pity them)

Shot of a different turtle

Turtle is such a peaceful creature I would say.. He / she just lay low, and glide through the water...

Turtle is hungry...

Using my experiences as an observer of behavior, I think the guitar shark and stingray is dating..ahahah!!

We can't see the real Beaver..(menyorok kot), so we took pics with the poster..Jadiklah..ahaha first time tengok Belangkas.. not sure the english word for it..they are really belangkas ok!! tailgating each other (more like piggybackride)..Such a burden!

Esah with starfish ( she was so berani touching this and that...I am soo not adventurous)

Finishing off our lesson at Aquarium..

After 1.5 hours at Green connection..we decided to go shopping!! But oh boy did we shop? Nope...instead, we fill our tummy with this super delicious ice cream!! VEDABLU is the best ice cream so far...

Mine is Watermelon with lime sorbet! Super refreshing!

Mess Aziz trying Mango, while Esah hmm..not sure..apa kah? Avocado right? or cempedak? Did we try cempedak?

* not shopping is very rare for me, hence this ice cream is really that sedap ok!

After whole day jalan2...we need to fill up our tank again..and since this is KK..what else should we eat..more seafood!!

Tonite, thanks to Tisha, we managed to find the nice cheap seafood. Sedappp and muraaaaaaaahhhh..

Posing at seafood stall.

Total for all these together( 3 sticks of Prawn, 3 sticks of sotong & Ikan bawal satu ( not sure bawal or what, but belasah ajelah kan) : RM30! (actually RM33, but we mintak discount..ahaha)

Seriously...we were overdosed of Prawns (total i ate today probably close to 10 pieces of prawns!!)...need to check my blood pressure later.

That superb dinner ended our Day 1 in KK.. gotta love the food :) More pics to come on for the rest of the trip. Pstt: I didn't managed to snap our cow motive seater MYVI..too busy oogling other things. haha..

muahs xoxo, Meah