The Toblater Story

A journal of 6 food loving, sweet-toothed lasses persevering the never ending quandary against the utterly fattening Malaysian delicacies. Under the guidance of 2 trainers with opposing modus operandi, these lasses contend for “The Biggest Looser” title over the next 6 months. Follow their compelling tales of forced diets, loathed workouts, amusing treacheries, inspirational insights, infectious gossips and all things related/unrelated to this trivial tussle of feminine, yet feisty vixens

November 4, 2009

Starting All Over

I can't believe my leave is almost over. It's already Wednesday and I would have to haul myself to the Office in 4 days. Boohoo! Not looking forward to that. Sure I'm boooorrreeedd out of my wits from staying in for too long. Heck, since I'm back from the Brother's house last Friday, not once did I ever step out from the front door. (Ohhh, there's that one time where I waved Dad goodbye, but it was, hurmmm 5 mins max?) ... But being confined to the house sure beats going to the office anytime! (HAHA. Do I hate my job so much? I wonder..)

So, what does a girl do when she's on house-arrest for 2 weeks? Watch loads of ANTM - cycle 11,12 and 13 on Youtube (my guilty pleasures ;p), stalk other people on Facebook and surf the world wide web on anything and everything. If surfing the net is a job, I'd be a billionaire by now.

Since I'm a wee bit behind from the rest of the girls in TBL quest, I figured I probably should step-up a bit and do some research on weight loss/healthy food etc. (Senahhh, are you proud of me or whattt???)

I've decided to share with you fella some interesting links that I found.
This Is Why You Are Fat - Some of the food does look yummehhh!
The Amazing Adventure of Dietgirl - You can find her book in most major bookstore, & this is her before & after picture. Inspiring! And check out her weight loss tips!

Big Fat Deal - the authors have this to say about their site: 'a body positivity blog that is inclusive to people losing weight and people happy to be whatever weight they happen to be'.
Couch to 5k - A programme designed for couch potatoes to run 5km in 9 weeks. That's a bit too long now don't you think?? By 9 weeks you should be able to run a half marathon!
20 Superfood for Weight Loss - I'll be eating oats everyday from now on!! :D (Don't forget to browse the fitness & food and diet section too!) - A website on workout and weight training for women. Read this (Esah, this is your answer to why running alone doesn't help you lose the extra kgs that fast) & this.
Healthy recipe by Heidi Swanson: 'I focus primarily on natural, whole foods and ingredients - vegetarian recipes that are good for you and for the planet'. Sounds good to me! Owh, more of healthy recipes right here.

And booo to these 2 websites: Jillian Micheals & The Biggest Loser. Though Toblater Biggest Loozer is very much inspired from the show, the website is such a disappointment and not very useful at all. I registered for Jillian Michael's 'FREE Weight Loss Plan' and was then assessed based on 8-9 question questionnaire, the result was nothing that I don't already know! The REAL weight loss plan will only be made available to me for USD4/week. :P I should know better than falling for the marketing plans. Now all I get in return is newsletters spamming my mailbox once in a while.

Alamak, the Husband complains that I'm hogging the laptop for wayy too long. I guess will have to end this real quick. Hope the link helps! Do share your favourite link as well.

Jangan kedekut! ;p