The Toblater Story

A journal of 6 food loving, sweet-toothed lasses persevering the never ending quandary against the utterly fattening Malaysian delicacies. Under the guidance of 2 trainers with opposing modus operandi, these lasses contend for “The Biggest Looser” title over the next 6 months. Follow their compelling tales of forced diets, loathed workouts, amusing treacheries, inspirational insights, infectious gossips and all things related/unrelated to this trivial tussle of feminine, yet feisty vixens

November 1, 2009

Team #2 Walks for World Pink

To show our support for breast cancer awareness (and as part of our strategy to lose the lbs), Team 2 joined the Walk for World Pink, one of the activities in the Estee Lauder Companies’ Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign Malaysia 2009.

The 3.8km walk, which aims to raise awareness of the importance of self-breast examination, was held on the 3rd of October at the KL Tower base. Here's a pictorial account of our day...

All excited for our first team activity (sans Gayah though)
Walking to the base of the Tower, I had to give Me'ah an icy cold stare when she was about to queue for the shuttle van
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We were early (surprise surprise) as the organisers we're still setting-up
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I was bullied by my anak murid to send our things to the car...a 1+km run to and fro, in case anyone is wondering how far (literally & figuratively speaking) I manjakan those two
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Showing our support by painting our face with the pink ribbon
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Of course, I had to be the "exotic" one
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Ribbon of hope: The participants forming a ribbon before the walk. Team #2 is somewhere at the top of the formation
(Picture courtesy of Clove Two,The Star)

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This is how 'the human pink ribbon' looked like from the ground
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"There's Malaysia!": Just to prove we haven't forgotten all those hours of Geography lessons
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Menara KL to be illuminated in pink lights that night
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At the starting line: Waiting to be flagged off
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Err..err..1 km into the walk and they needed to be re-fuelled...
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...and didn't miss a photo op with Abg Polis' motorbike (to stretch the rest-time I'm sure)
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"We're almost there girls"
Enon & Me'ah had time to indulge in a bit of retail therapy after the walk as evidenced by the 2 huge pink bags hugged tightly by the 2 defendants
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By the end of the night, our face were glowing/shining (pls cross where applicable) with pride

By partcipating, we got a very nice World Pink T-shirt and a door gift of Estee Lauder Companies’ products worth RM100.

And the best gift of all?

Team #2 was featured in a local daily. I will post it once Me'ah scans the picture.


m3ah on November 2, 2009 at 10:01 PM said...

on my defense..i did not have any intention to naik the shuttle..I thot mmg kena naik shuttle.. :D
hahahhaha...what a weak lie eh.

kuki on November 3, 2009 at 11:13 AM said...

photoshop my face cannn? hehe