The Toblater Story

A journal of 6 food loving, sweet-toothed lasses persevering the never ending quandary against the utterly fattening Malaysian delicacies. Under the guidance of 2 trainers with opposing modus operandi, these lasses contend for “The Biggest Looser” title over the next 6 months. Follow their compelling tales of forced diets, loathed workouts, amusing treacheries, inspirational insights, infectious gossips and all things related/unrelated to this trivial tussle of feminine, yet feisty vixens

December 14, 2009

Senah & the gang met The Duke

On 21st November 2009, Team 2 for the first time ever, managed to have full corum team activity. Senah and her babies :) went to Duk3 h1ghways for 5km Duk3thon. As our tshirts stated, we were one of the first to set on foot on the latest h1ghway in KL. Just for clarification, I am not the last to step off the h1ghway..thanks to the rest of the categories that started slightly after us "the normal male &female category". As I was walking / running, i can see a lot of senior citizen marath0ners (is there such a word?) running, leaving me behind..ahaha...its okay, they are senior citizen..they have been running ages ago.. i baru nak start..ahaha..alasan..

Half way through the journey, we saw some already nearing the finishing line, (alah..nih yg x dapat nak masok P3nang marathon, tuh yg rasa diri hebat, sebab all the greater runner, semua masok the p3nang one..)hahaha..saja dengki kan.

Nonetheless, we made it to the finishing line where Senah and Enon waited for Gayah and I to make it nearer to the finishing line, so that we can run together to it – just for the sake of photog moment..gila glam u..haha.malangnya, don’t think our pictures were taken..darn another group yg lagi gila glam in front of us.hhaahah..

We were excited because since now the run finished, we can finally take the ride on the hot air balloon (Gayah and I were looking forward to this)..Unfortunately, the hot air balloon dah kempis dah pun..dah siap lipat okay...I was so frustrated!!!!..i really want to ride on one..hmm.. where can i get to ride one?hmm..anyone?

p/s: I still believe that though Enon said she cannot run like true marathoners, I choose not to agree with that. She still have all her bask3tballer nature inside her..She can run ok!!! left me alone..hish hish..itula..dulu masok cad3t jek..dah x fit. Ish!!! Well..let’s wait for never know suddenly hiking dlm hutan :-P bluerghh...tulis aje pun dah nak rasa muntah ok.


Senah on December 15, 2009 at 9:48 PM said...

Eh Meah, don't use alasan you masuk kadet polis, pasal tu tak boleh run. Look at me - a former Pandu Puteri member. Kadet Polis were by far more active than us PP. You guys were marching, camping etc, while we PPs were...hmm what were we doing? Esah - help me out here

kuki on December 15, 2009 at 10:13 PM said...

MEAH. wht you u mean 'now me left alone?' you out-ran me few times ok! i was behind you most of the time. I'm so geMOK in the picture!! BENCI!

Btw, i was so disciplined last week gung-ho for the weigh in tapi sbb tak jadi, i terus pegi makan Prosperity burger!! Demmit.

p/s: Asma' if your are reading I'm having difficulty commenting on your blog! Change the setting or layout whtever.

esah said...

Wohoo, Congratulations!

Meah, you were quite active in Kadet Polis ok. Remember the camping trip? U too Gayah. Senah, i think we did literally nothing in PP. I think PP actually stands for "Persatuan Pemalas" :P
Btw, I'm still pemalas and can't run. Ms. Sheila will be so proud.

m3ah on December 16, 2009 at 12:47 AM said...

hahha..probably sebab time tuh active sgt all enrgy sudah digunakan.alasan kan!
i remembered what you girls PP did back then..duduk melepak dlm kelas..while Putri 1slam selalu play sports. Kadet asyik keje marching memanjang..haish..xdela pulak aku jalan lurus pun sekarang.
Senah jgn risau..akan di usahakan untuk berusaha berlari..hehe..
Gayah...jgn mengalah dgn prosperity lagi..pasti berjaya!! what the heck aku ngarut nih.