The Toblater Story

A journal of 6 food loving, sweet-toothed lasses persevering the never ending quandary against the utterly fattening Malaysian delicacies. Under the guidance of 2 trainers with opposing modus operandi, these lasses contend for “The Biggest Looser” title over the next 6 months. Follow their compelling tales of forced diets, loathed workouts, amusing treacheries, inspirational insights, infectious gossips and all things related/unrelated to this trivial tussle of feminine, yet feisty vixens

October 30, 2009

The birth of Toblater


I laughed THAT hard when I saw the class picture. 5 out of 8 Toblaters were together in the first form (sans Temah, Rokiah & Enon). Well, 6 including Mess, of course.

Try and spot us!

We have Odah & Esah to thank - for being bright/creative/mischievous 13 year old, who coined up TOBLATER. Maybe if they are up for it, they'll blog about how it came about - the history behind 'TOBLATER'. That's 15 years worth of history for you. (Ey Esah/Odahh~~?)

Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. And who would've thought I'd grow up to be 30kg heavier since 1994! (I imagined I was 40kg then - but not really sure of that though. HAHA. Maybe heavier/lighter? But ohh let's just pretend I was 40kg!). Out of curiosity, to other Toblaters, how much did you guys gain since 1994??? :D :D

Since I'm about 155cm, my ideal weight would be 47kg. Oh gawddd, I can't remember when I was ever below 50kg. (*Gulp* This would be a lot harder than I thought) Ok Senah, I'm all set to work out for Bali! Get Team 2 rollinn'! Roki has already drawn up Team 1's workout regime! This cannot jadi ok. We should be all gung-ho too!

You peeps just watchouttt for my 23 kg transformation
(Who am I kiddingggg? I can barely lose 5 kg for my wedding ini kan pulak 23kg?eeeekkk!!)



DK on October 31, 2009 at 2:15 PM said...


You look like a real genius for having your fringe apart like that! But you still cannot beat your friend, Saz, who is in my view, a more genius compared to other girls for having a blob of hair only at one side of her head. Genius hairstyle, indeed!


Is that you Ods, in the middle, wearing tudung, smiling sweetly? Kalau Cikgu Amri tgk kau sekang, agaknya terus propose for his 2nd wife! Hahaha

Gayah and Esah,

Holy cow, so cute mute, yo!

DK on October 31, 2009 at 2:22 PM said...


To answer your question on how much did I gain since 1994 - mestilah banyak! Itu masa zaman hingusan, gila nak stay 30 - 40kgs until now? Form 4 and 5 were the worst! I ballooned myself so much eating junkies, tuna spreads, breads, biscuits, etc - ouch!

My weight is still about the same when I was in Form 5, maybe lesser. But I wish I can be as light as a feather! Gotta work it out asap if not I have a potential to balloon up again based on my previous record!

kuki on November 1, 2009 at 11:04 PM said...

Post-up your 1994 picture! (i do think u r definitely thinner than when u were in form 5). The first thing i notice from the picture is how KURUS Esah is. (Sorry Esah, memang sungguh ketara). :p

.. and jangan main-main ok. Saz mmg paling fashionable at that time, she's prolly the 1st in our batch to get her hair PERMED! No kidding.

esah said...

Roki - I can't stop laughing reading your comments
Gayah - Maznee got her hair permed when she was in std6 i think. Or F1?

Yup, saya dulu kurus gila. I ballooned up when i turned 25 - that's when i inspired to be the next Sophie Dahl..hehe..

Senah on November 2, 2009 at 6:48 PM said...

Rokiah!!!! How dare you comment on my centre-parting, flip-flopped fringed hair??? It was considered cool back then. I tied my hair up everyday with the red ribbon...Harajuku yo!

I can still remember how I was considered one of the tiny ones in Form 1 coz i was not that tall and skinny. And I now laugh thinking about how Gee and I would compete with each other to see who gained more kilos that week. Ala ala reverse TBL la ni...Everytime bio class, e would race to the lab to weigh ourselves at the antic weighing machine kat belakang lab and checked if we have topped 50kgs or not. Selalunya we would be disappointed coz how much we ate pon takkan lepas 50 kg...Bongoknya...I curse my 16-17 year old self

m3ah on November 2, 2009 at 10:17 PM said...

i cannot imagine Cikgu Amri kawen with Odah...hahahahahhaha... laughing so hard now.ahhaha..
How small we were..I was 47kg ok(never a very small gal anyway)..bladihel..mcm tipu jek.