The Toblater Story

A journal of 6 food loving, sweet-toothed lasses persevering the never ending quandary against the utterly fattening Malaysian delicacies. Under the guidance of 2 trainers with opposing modus operandi, these lasses contend for “The Biggest Looser” title over the next 6 months. Follow their compelling tales of forced diets, loathed workouts, amusing treacheries, inspirational insights, infectious gossips and all things related/unrelated to this trivial tussle of feminine, yet feisty vixens

October 22, 2009

No More Superhuman Senses

You see, those who knew me would know how bad my sense of smell is. I would sneeze so very often, and my bestfriend would be a box of Kleenex. Since its costly to keep up, my nose has been trained well to accommodate toilet rolls and even the hard tissues that the Office provide in the pantry..Therefore, it was a strange almost alien-like feeling when I suddenly, during the past 2 months was able to smell MORE things than what I normally would. The masam-ness of Vill@ge P@rk's waiter's shirt and it's stinky kain lap meja was the most recent that I encounter.

* * *

I was pregnant. And it was the most magical & surreal feeling ever.

And last night when I found out that it was over, despite preparing myself mentally over and over about it, there's nothing that the doc or the husband could say to stop my sobbing or even make me feel better. The husband knows me well enough. He didn't have to say much and just held my hands throughout and we just hugged for longest time once we were back home.

It was heartbreaking. My chest felt it would burst right open, I just can't quite describe. But now here I am. Still feeling pretty crappy, just... much much better .

Was supposed to go for check-up tomorrow with another doc. (Shoot! Which reminds me I should cancel it now!) So you bet I had a different plans altogether on how to break the news on Toblater - coupled with a cute cute sonogram of my 10 weeks foetus. (Right~~ before Beyonce & the weigh-in!!) I even wanted to knight MessAziz as an official Toblatorian to replace me! I probably still should, I am so far off, I can't catch up the the girls any more. Sorry Team 2!


I saw fireworks on our way back last night. I've always loved fireworks. I take it that is God's way to let me know it's all going to be all right..and to just cheer me up a notch. That AND the fact that Benyonce's been cancelled.. hehe.  Would expect loose waterworks every now and then in the next few weeks. But don't feel so bad for me girls. I'm pretty much set to be positive. Ohhhmmmmmm!


Now, Esah. Take me to Starbucks when I'm all better. (That's an order)

I haven't had coffee/tea in 2 months!


T3mah on October 22, 2009 at 9:32 PM said...

Yes, jom starbucks ramai2!
i think i wanna try eash's advice on the half soy instead of milk frap :)


esah said...

Let's have the Starbucks session soon! To all fans of Toffee Nut Latte - the beverage will be available from 3rd Nov - 4th Jan.

You can't quit the Toblater. Membership for life ok..(or until Bali)..

messaziz said...

feel better, babe *hugs*

i'm all for a starbucks session!

takutla nak masuk toblater. the mindgames, the evil eye when you're contemplating something fattening, the long consideration that has to precede every meal....

cukup dah pressure dalam hangman. hehehe

enon on October 23, 2009 at 3:21 AM said...

Gayah: It's alright dear, take your time and have some rest. We Toblaterians never leave another Toblaterian behind. Once your feeling better, come back and join us Team 2. It's never too late ;)

Mess: Toblater is holistic- Physical, mental and spiritual strength; it's a whole package deal! That's why its gonna work! ;P

m3ah said... 2 will always support u in this TBL journey...
btw, be patient k..just buzz if you need anything.
<3 meah.

DK on October 23, 2009 at 6:43 AM said...

Hang in there, babe!

One of the fundamentals in happiness in "Don't Be Sad" book : Calamities should strengthen your heart and reshape your outlook in a positive sense - Hope you'll reach there soon, amin.

senah said...

Can't imagine what you are going through right now. Don't you forget that you have your girls at the sidelines

~~TBLers love Gayah~~

izan said...

Gayah, I hope you feel better now...You have great chicas here. Go claim for your Starbucks :D :D :D

Gayah on October 24, 2009 at 6:32 AM said...

I feel a lottt better now, thanks. You guys r precious! Got it 'cleaned' this morning.. am in a full blown pantang now. I must say, am loving the attention.. don't even have to lift a finger. :) Won't be able to go to Fau's. Have fun. Update Toblater as often as you girls can! I need entertainment while on MC.

O-DaH on October 26, 2009 at 9:40 PM said...

sorry la lembab sikit. maklumlah duduk jauh.
hope u're feeling a lot better now k.

we'll meet soon allright.