The Toblater Story

A journal of 6 food loving, sweet-toothed lasses persevering the never ending quandary against the utterly fattening Malaysian delicacies. Under the guidance of 2 trainers with opposing modus operandi, these lasses contend for “The Biggest Looser” title over the next 6 months. Follow their compelling tales of forced diets, loathed workouts, amusing treacheries, inspirational insights, infectious gossips and all things related/unrelated to this trivial tussle of feminine, yet feisty vixens

October 22, 2009

Ikan Kotak

It's that time of the month where I will have to work late; sampai rumah dgn busuk tak mandi nya *yes, euuuwww* & terus zZZzzzz………. (nota sangat kecik: sometimes no dinner yo!) :P

Annnnd I realised that whenever I'm under stressed at work, I tend to look at this in my phone and sengih sorang2. Not once, tapi several times a day!

image: google

image: google

I blame this all to my recent dive trip to Tenggol. At an untouched, extremely gorgeous site called Moonraker the boxfish played hide and seek with me under water. I gerak left, it went right and vice versa. Hihi, comel OK. 

Demmit , I dah jadi like one of those boring divers who talked non stop about diving. HELPPP! *sambil inflate sausage*

Ermm, Sipadan in December anyone? Haha


enon on October 22, 2009 at 5:41 AM said...

Moonraker's definitely the best! Temah talking non-stop about diving? Just like somebody we ALL know jer...hihihii.

Today when I was taking a glass lift @ work, looking outside from 12th to Ground floor, I felt as thought I was submerging from surface to 18m underwater and found myself grinning for no reason. The other day, I was getting some cold water from the water dispenser and bubbles suddenly blobbed out of the reservoir and I chuckled to myself imagining that I was in Tenggol. Confirm tengah 'Dive Withdrawal' ni. hehe ;)

Sipadan-December: Here I come! Senah, Odah dan Kiah bagaimana?