The Toblater Story

A journal of 6 food loving, sweet-toothed lasses persevering the never ending quandary against the utterly fattening Malaysian delicacies. Under the guidance of 2 trainers with opposing modus operandi, these lasses contend for “The Biggest Looser” title over the next 6 months. Follow their compelling tales of forced diets, loathed workouts, amusing treacheries, inspirational insights, infectious gossips and all things related/unrelated to this trivial tussle of feminine, yet feisty vixens

October 25, 2009

Post Session 3 - Update 1

So we had our 3rd weigh-in session at Odah's house just now. This time around, as the keeper of Miss J(udge) the weighing scale, I happily (Team 1 reads : painfully) announce that Team 2 is the winner for Session 3 - what more with only 2 determined girls left but with the same one and only super kiasu instructor! Congratulations girls! Keep it up and we shall see which Team will be the winner next month as it is now 1 : 1 to date.

However, as the Instructor for Team 1, let me clear the air that we have never pandang rendah to Team 2 for all your efforts done. However, the recent Walk With Pride (?) thingy that you girls went WITHOUT informing (or rather giving any hints, hehe) us, made Team 1 thinks that the TBL is indeed a serious business, especially when it comes to winning. Who would have thought that we were so serious into this when all of you were at my house sometime back in August. So be it. Team 1 takes it as a challenge and despite us not winning this time around, we will, as true sportsmen, never give up and continue to hold on to the saying "perseverance, persistance and determination". So, watch out! Hahaha (*shakes my head in disbelief after writing this paragraph*)
Enough about the Session 3 report, shall we?

I have never really introduced my Team in this blog. Some of you readers would have seen my Team based on the header picture in but really, are not you curious at all to know a little bit more of them? (read : if you are a single guy, the better it is!)

Candidate 1 : Odah

She is nothing near serious. I hope she is not like her trueself whenever she is with her patients. We have been running together in marathons for the past 1 1/2 years but workload has taken a toll on her lately and hence, we have not been seeing each other that much. Despite her mountainous workload, I hope she takes off some time to exercise and do not binge on too much carbs whenever she is stressed at work -she should at least be a bit more serious about her health in general. Otherwise, she cracks you up like no one's business and if she wins the TBL, she can be the next Malaysia's Top Model Search! Hahahaha, love ya Odah!

Candidate 2 : Temah

Temah and I stay near to each other. We ran, scuba dived, exchanged beauty secrets, etc regularly. She is the complete opposite of Odah - at least she is serious to a certain extent! Nevertheless, don't trust her much on her navigational skills as oh boy, you could end up in Port Klang for no reason (no, thank god she has not done that to me yet). She once told me that she loves eating (is there such a hobby?) but fret not Tems, you can still have your sweet cakes, muffins and cupcakes but you will have to promise me that you will make sure you balance them out with bouts of exercise. Otherwise, we should continue doing our Super Sakit Circuit every Saturday as we both love it (yes, to a certain extent!). You will get the hang of it real soon.

Candidate 3 : Esah

Esah and I go way back. We used to talk on the phone for hours on irrelevant things. She is not a fan of running but give her Kiara Hills anytime, she could beat you 2 rounds of it with a breeze. She is our ambasadress whenever we need our coffee, frappe, latte, etc at an infamous coffee-chain organisation. I am glad that I invited her for a walk/run session at Lake Gardens last Saturday. It was her first time there and hopefully there are more to come after this. She won the first individual TBL monthly title during Session 2 (now succeeded by Enon) and with such record, I hope she will fight back and never give up!

Well, as much as I would love to give out more info on Team 1, it has got to be filtered. As for me, there is no need for any introduction, please - instructor works behind the scene, yeah! I am currently in the midst of planning a workout regime (hahaha) for my Team asap. I hope they will not play truant when I am not around for 3 weeks in November.

Saya Rok(iah)!


DK on October 26, 2009 at 12:41 AM said...

Honestly Enon, I prefer the layout at This is too crammed, don't you think? Can we change it? I don't understand why the entries are concentrated in the middle - not broad enough.

Sorry, too many comments, saya buta IT! Hehe

gayah on October 26, 2009 at 12:21 PM said...


Where are all the details & pictures? I want to know eeeverrryyttthhhiiing!

mess.aziz on October 26, 2009 at 2:45 PM said...

I prefer wordpress layout too... but I'm sure pretty soon Enon would do some magic here to get it looking good!

Btw I've posted some pictures (actually those were all the pictures I took, minus a blurry one of Odah jumping off the scale).

You know where to find them!

m3ah on October 27, 2009 at 6:13 PM said...

odah is funny..siap kena naik 2 kali..x puas hati..ahahah...nasib baik x rosak the scale..if not..Kiah..mintak ganti rugi..ahah

TyracShop on October 30, 2009 at 8:51 AM said...

Hye ladies....U girls boleh pakai Wordpress nye layout on blogspot...

The TyracShop layout is actually modified Wordpress punye..(if I'm not mistaken la)

enon on October 30, 2009 at 6:02 PM said...

tyracshop: Thanks for the advice. The current template is also converted from wordpress, took me a significant number of surfing hours to finally find one that was simple yet still sedap mata memandang. I'm quite content with this one, simple and highly functional too. Kudos to its designer ;)

kiah: Keep the comments coming. As long as its constructive criticism, i don't mind! I kinda like the one we have now. Nampak kemas.